Stay Safe in a Flood

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Stay Safe in a Flood

What to Do Before, During and After a Flood, safety information from the Vermont Department of Safety

Vermont’s rivers, streams and lakes can be harmful to our health and safety when they flood. 

What to Do Before, During and After a Flood

Vermont’s rivers, streams and lakes can be harmful to our health and safety when they flood. 

Flood Watch means a flood is possible in your area.
Flood Warning means a flood is about to happen or is happening in your area.

Learn about the steps you can take to stay safe before, during and after a flood.

 means a flood is possible in your area.
Flood Warning means a flood is about to happen or is happening in your area.

Learn about the steps you can take to stay safe before, during and after a flood.

For more information flood from the Vermont Department of Safety, visit their website here